But the resulting product is a slim, elegant gaming adventure that I hope we see a lot of copycats of. It's brave - perhaps foolhardy - for Square to undermine their own game this way. It validates the strength of the basic story and battle engine by removing everything that distracts from those elements however, it also proves, by its own existence, that $40 of the original game's $60 sticker price went to filler, not to mention highlighting the game's Troubled Production. But in terms of FF 15 itself, Pocket Edition is a strange testament. I would love to see Square Enix do more Reformulated Games like this, particularly of my own favorite FF 8. (Ironically, by stripping many of those controls out.) And, of course, you get the whole story, though without the DLC add-ons. Battles are fun and challenging without being overwhelming, and the game stands as a bastion of excellent Mobile Phone Game play control. This leaves the player (and the screen!) free to focus on Quick Time Events for dodging, parrying and special attacks.

Instead of Button Mashing, battle is dependent on positioning, as Noctis will auto-attack anyone he's near.

What's left is: all the original Cut Scenes, music and voice-acting the entire plot and a surprisingly robust battle engine.

No camping, no fishing, no photography (you don't get to choose the photo Noct brings at the end ◊), no driving, no Item Crafting. Elemancy is gone, leaving you instead with an extremely-neutered Draw system from FF 8 where you can only hold one spell at a time. The graphics are pretty low-poly - they didn't even animate Mouth Flaps - and the entirety of the Wide Open Sandbox has been stripped out. Pocket Edition is a slimmed-down FF 15 in every sense of the word. But, of course, it's hard to play games on a cell phone. So the idea of a slimmed-down portable edition appealed to me - especially since you can play the first chapter (up to Galdin Quay and the night before Insomnia falls) for free. And I haven't been for a while the last full-length FF title I bought was 12. I am one of (probably) many tropers who no longer has time to sit down in front of a console for 60 hours.